Becoming Mothers
Up till the 29th week of Pregnancy, with a non complicated pregnancy and without a gynecologist certificate can travel with the Flights of holidaycenter.
A Certificate of Exemption for a Flight after the 29th week of Pregnancy can be obtained from the House Doctor or the Swiss Medical Service. The same will apply in the Case of a complicated Pregnancy such as e.g. Twins.
Going through the Customs with Medicine: When carrying Medicine or Syringes (Insulin Syringe) with your baggage, it is recommended, to carry a doctors certificate with you, that confirms, that the Medicine is required for personal needs.
Loss of Medication: In Case of Medication loss during the Travel or at the Country of destination, you should be issued your Blood Group and other important Health Information as well as needed dosage of the Medication and their Generic Names (Free International Names for medicine not protected by brand names) from your Physician in charge. Also carry abroad the Needed Documentation for a Check up or Medicine Prescription with you. Inform yourself hereto by your Doctor or Health Insurance Fund.
Medication in Hand Luggage : The Packing of the Medication should be shock resistant and if possible your needed medication should be distributed in different hand luggage bags. It is recommended, that somewhere one half or the double amount of the needed Medication should be carried with on the Hand Luggage. Since in Exceptional cases some times your flight can be redirected or delayed for a longer period – Even when you are in the Airplane.